A story of an elder man and a student

 It is said that there was a famous elder who was once approached by a student who was studying theology. 

 After reading for some time, when he started to return to his homeland, the elders began to say to him: Mian, tell me one thing.  He said, "Find out."  I'm ready to tell.  They said, "Well, tell me, do you have a devil?"  He said, "Where is the devil?"  The devil is everywhere.  They said:

 What will you do when you seek to befriend God and Satan seduces you?  He said, "I will fight the devil."  They said: Suppose you fought the devil and he ran away, but then you struggled to get closer to Allah and then the devil stopped you, what will you do?  He said, "I will fight again."  But what if the third time he attacked you again and he did not allow you to draw near to Allah?  He was a little surprised but said: I have no choice but to fight it again.  They said: If you continue to fight the devil all your life, when will you reach Allah?  He was speechless.  The old man said to him, "Well, tell me, if you go to meet a friend of yours and he has a dog as a guard, and when you reach his door, he will grab your heel, what will you do?"  He said he would kill the dog and what would I do.  They said: Suppose you hit him and he withdrew, but what will you do if you step forward to meet this friend again and then he catches you?  He said: I will pick up the stick again and strike him.  He said, "Well, the third time he attacked you, what will you do?"  He said: If he does not stop, I will call my friend to come out.  Your dog won't let me go.  Handle it  They began to say: Just take this step against the devil and when you cannot escape from his tactics, just ask God to stop your dog and let you grow closer to him ...  Why don't you hold the hand of the one who has all these things in his possession.  If you make friends with him, you will not be in danger of these things and you will be free from all destruction and trouble.  This is the cure given by the Holy Qur'an.


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