History and duties of triba banu Hashim
Quraysh is a famous and honorable tribe of Arabia and any of its members or individuals.
Ancient makkah |
The Banu Quraysh or Quraysh were one of the most important tribes of Makkah. Khatam-ul-Anbiya Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to Banu Hashim, a branch of the same tribe. The descendants of Qusay Ibn Qalab, the ancestor of the Holy Prophet (sws), are called Quraysh. Since Qusay Ibn Qalab gathered the Arabs at one center, they were called Quraysh because Taqrish meant gathering in Arabic and Qusay was gathering Arabs. According to the history of Tabari, Qusay Ibn Qalab was the first person to be called Quraysh. Abdul Malik ibn Marwan says that there was no Quraysh before Qusay Ibn Qalab. One of the descendants of Ishmael (as) was Nadr bin Kanana. His descendants are called Quraysh because Quraysh means gathering in one place. His title became Quraysh. Although there are other reasons for this title of Bani Kanana, but Sahib Qaamoos has given priority to this reason. Tarikh Bukhari Mustadrak 2 ؎ Hakim Tere Ibn Marduyah etc. There is a narration from Umm Hani, the result of which is that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: It is a great honor for the Quraysh that Allah Yalaf revealed something in his favor which does not mention anyone else. The ruler has called this hadith saheeh. The result is that the Quraysh are honored in this Surah.
In the time of Prophethood, the positions of the Arab tribes in the Arabian Peninsula have been highlighted.
Chief of Quraysh
Abu Talib (Banu Hashim)
Asad bin Hashim (Banu Hashim)
Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim (Banu Hashim)
Abu Lahab (Banu Hashim)
Aas Ibn Wa'il (Banu Sham)
Abu Jahl (Banu Makhzoom)
Abu Lahab (Banu Hashim)
Abu Sufyan ibn Harb (the Umayyads)
Akhnas bin Shariq (Al-Banawadi)
Aswad bin Muttalib (Banu Asad)
Hakim bin Hazzam (Banu Asad)
Mut'am bin Udai (Banu Nawfal)
Mughirah bin Abdullah (Banu Makhzoom)
Nabiha bin Hajjaj (Banu Jumah)
Nazar bin Harith (Banu Abdul Dar)
Sohail bin Amr (Banu Amir)
Umayya bin Khalaf (Banu Jumah)
Aqaba bin Mu'ayt (Banu Abd al-Dar)
Utbah bin Rabia (Banu Abdul Shams)
Even before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the Quraysh family had a special status among all the tribes of Arabia. The Quraysh were the custodians of the Ka'bah, the religious center of all Arabia, and the state of Makkah belonged to them.
The major branches of the Quraysh tribe were as follows:
Banu Hashim
Banu Nawfal
بنو عبدالدار
Banu Asad
Banu Tamim
بنو مخزوم
بنو عدی
Banu Abd al-Manaf
بنو سہم
There are other branches besides these.
All the positions of responsibility in Makkah were divided into these branches. The details of these positions and their affiliations are as follows:
1. The key to the Ka'bah was kept by the guardian of the Ka'bah, the guardian of the Ka'bah and its service, and he was the one who made the people visit it. This position was in the family of Bani Hashim and at the time of the birth of the Prophet (peace be upon him) his grandfather Abdul Muttalib was appointed to this position.
2. There was a shortage of water in Makkah and special arrangements were made for water during the Hajj season due to the gathering of pilgrims. This was done by making leather basins and placing them in the courtyard of the Ka'bah and filling them by asking for water from the springs around it. This rule continued until the Zamzam tea was cleared again. Saqiya's service was related to Bani Hashim.
3. All the families of Quraysh used to pay a kind of donation for the hospitality of the Ka'bah. The food and drink of the poor pilgrims was arranged from this donation. This service was first related to the Bani Nawfal and then to the Bani Hashim.
4. The eagle was the name of the national flag of the Quraysh. It was taken out when there was a time of battle. He was from a family, he performed this service.
5. Nadwa, this was the National Assembly of Mecca. The Quraysh used to gather here for consultation. Decisions on wars and peace and other major matters were taken here. The marriages of the Quraysh were also held here.
6. The leader, the leader of the caravan, to whom the position belonged, was consulted in special matters. The Quraysh would seek the opinion of an adviser before making a final decision on a matter. This position was related to Bani Asad.
7. Qaba: When the people of Makkah intended to go out to fight, a tent was set up in which tents were stored. This responsibility also belonged to a Quraysh family.
8. Government, that is, deciding disputes
9. Safara, meaning envoy, when peace talks were held with an enemy tribe, a sensible man would be appointed for the task. In the beginning, the last ambassador of Quraysh in Islam was Hazrat Umar bin Khattab.
It is clear from this detail that the Quraysh were the most respected tribe in Arabia. Then in Quraysh also the family of Bani Hashim was the most prominent because most of the great eras were related to them.
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