
Showing posts from September, 2021

____ Abu Lahab ___ and ___ Jew (quote ) ____ابولہب___اور___یہودی

 #____ابولہب___اور___یہودی ( اقتباس)  فالسی فیکشن ٹیسٹ کے سلسلے میں گیری ملر نے دو بڑی دلچسپ باتیں لکھی ہیں ۔ لکھتا ہے:  محمدﷺ کا ایک چچا تھا ۔ اس کا نام ابو لہب تھا۔  ابولہب کو حضورﷺسے عداوت تھی ۔ اس کی زندگی کا واحد مقصد قرآن ، اسلام اور حضورﷺ کو جھٹلانا تھا۔ وہ محمدﷺ کا پیچھا کیا کرتا تھا ۔ جہاں بھی آپ ﷺ جاتے تھے، وہ پیچھے پیچھے جاتا۔ آپ ﷺ کی ہر بات کو جھٹلاتا۔ اگر آپ ﷺ کہتے کہ یہ چیز سفید ہے تو وہ جھٹ بول اٹھتا، نہیں یہ چیز کالی ہے۔ اگر آپ ﷺ کہتے کہ دن ہے تو وہ کہتا ، نہیں رات ہے ۔قرآن میں ابو لہب کا ذکر بھی آیا ہےکہ  وہ دوزخ کی آگ میں جلے گا۔ دوزخ کی آگ میں جلنااس کا مقدر ہے ۔ مطلب یہ کہ وہ کبھی اسلام قبول نہیں کرے گا کافر ہی رہے گا۔  گیری ملر لکھتا ہے کہ اس آیت کے نازل ہونے کے بعد ابو لہب دس سال زندہ رہا۔ اس کے لیے قرآن کو جھٹلانا بہت آسان تھا۔ وہ مسلمانوں سے کہتا دوستو! میں مسلمان ہونا چاہتا ہوں ، مجھے مسلمان بنا لو۔۔۔ جب وہ مسلمان بنا لیتے تو کہتا لو بھئی ! تمہارا قرآن جھوٹا ثابت ہوگیا۔ اب بولو۔ لیکن ابو لہب نے ایسا نہیں کیا حالانکہ اس کی زندگی کا م...

History and duties of triba banu Hashim

  Quraysh is a famous and honorable tribe of Arabia and any of its members or individuals .   Ancient makkah  The Banu Quraysh or Quraysh were one of the most important tribes of Makkah.  Khatam-ul-Anbiya Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) belonged to Banu Hashim, a branch of the same tribe.  The descendants of Qusay Ibn Qalab, the ancestor of the Holy Prophet (sws), are called Quraysh.  Since Qusay Ibn Qalab gathered the Arabs at one center, they were called Quraysh because Taqrish meant gathering in Arabic and Qusay was gathering Arabs.  According to the history of Tabari, Qusay Ibn Qalab was the first person to be called Quraysh.  Abdul Malik ibn Marwan says that there was no Quraysh before Qusay Ibn Qalab.  One of the descendants of Ishmael (as) was Nadr bin Kanana. His descendants are called Quraysh because Quraysh means gathering in one place.  His title became Quraysh.  Although there are other reasons for this title of Bani Kanana,...

Muhammad bin Qasim (may Allah have mercy on him) the conqueror of India.

 Muhammad bin Qasim (may Allah have mercy on him) the conqueror of India.  (31 December 694- 715)  Muhammad ibn Qasim's name was Emad-ud-Din Muhammad ibn Qasim al-Thaqafi, who was the cousin and son-in-law of Hajjaj ibn Yusuf.  Muhammad ibn Qasim Malik was working in Persia with great intellect and courage. He was seventeen years old at that time.  Conquest of India  93 AH  From Makran lived Arab Muslims in the coastal areas of Sindh who came under the caliphate of Syedna Umar in 23 AH 644 AD. Later they settled in the same coastal areas.  He is buried in Lasbela.  The Arabs traded with India from here and the Arabs had good relations with the kings of India.  A few Arab traders from Makran went to Sri Lanka for trade. When the Muslims died there, the Raja of Lanka sent his family in eight ships with gifts for the Hajj.  Qadirun reached the shores of Debal where pirates lived.  They seized eight ships, looted all belongings and...

👈 Idol Breaker_Mahmoud Ghaznavi _

 👈 Idol Breaker_Mahmoud Ghaznavi _ !!  The temple of Somnath was so large that all the kings and maharajas of India dedicated jagirs to it, devoted their daughters to service who remained virgins all their lives and were called devadasis, 2000 Brahmins were present at all times to worship and  There were 500 beautiful women singers and 300 Qawwal employees. The roof of the idol of Somnath was built on 56 pillars. There was no artificial or sunlight arrangement at all.  Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni, the hero of Allah, after trampling the small idols of gold and silver, the king stood in front of the idol, which was 6 feet deep and 9 feet high.  At the same time, the city's most respected Hindus offered the requested wealth to the king of Somnath to say nothing to the idol, so the native intellectuals of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni advised what was the use of breaking the stone while the wealth belonged to the Muslims.  Will come in handy (this is the dog's thought i...

Russian sleep experiment The Russian Sleep Experiment

Russian sleep experiment  The Russian Sleep Experiment  Have you ever wondered what effect a person would have on his body if he did not sleep at all and how long he could live without complete sleep?  Sleep is just as important to the human body as food and drink.  Scientists have done many experiments on humans and animals to understand human sleep, but the one I am going to tell you about today is one of the most terrifying.    The experience I'm going to tell you about is called the Russian Sleep Experiment.  No one can say for sure when the experiment came to light, but experts say the results of the experiment were first posted on a website called Creppy Pasta.  On this website, people usually post true horrible incidents that happened to them.  The results of the experiment were posted on this website on August 10, 2010.  The person who posted it revealed his name as Orange Soda which is why no one knows the real name of this pers...

Life of Imam al-Ghazali also known Abu Hamid Ghazali

  Recalling the glorious past of Muslims through the windows of history, let us mention today an entity who was the author of numerous books, most of whose works include jurisprudence, theology, logic, ethics and mysticism.  His most valuable and useful book is Ahya Uloom-ud-Din which is very popular  Apart from the Islamic world, Europe also benefited from this book.  And the original is still available in the Berlin Library.  While "Kimiye Saadat" is a high-profile book in Persian, "Wasat Basit" is a well-known book in jurisprudence.  The goals of philosophy in philosophy  And the philosophers, the standard of knowledge in logic, the standard of vision and the scale of action are noteworthy, whose autobiography "Al-Munqaz" is a biography.  He was a great thinker and theologian and his name was Muhammad, his surname was Abu Hamid and his title was Zainuddin and we know him as Abu Hamid Ghazali and Imam Ghazali Rah.  Imam al-Ghazali was born ...

How did the British steal the centuries-old secret of tea cultivation from China?

  How did the British steal the centuries-old secret of tea cultivation from China?  Long-suffering Robert Fortune bowed to Qali.  He pulled out a rusty razor and began shaving the first part of Fortune's head.  Either the razor was so blunt or Qali was so clumsy that Fortune felt as if he was not shaving my head but scratching it. Tears welled up in his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.  This is an incident in September 1848 in an area not far from the Chinese city of Shanghai.  Fortune is a spy for the East India Company who has gone to a forbidden area inside China to steal tea leaves from there.  But for this purpose, he has to disguise himself first, the first condition of which is that he shaves his hair from the top of his forehead according to Chinese custom.  After going through this tragic process, Fortune's translator and guide knitted a long ram in his hair, dressed him in a Chinese cloak, and warned him to keep his mouth shut.  Th...

Today we are talking about this famous personality Sheikh Saadi

 At a time when the Islamic Empire was in decline in Baghdad and Hulagu Khan had destroyed the tranquility of Baghdad with cruelty and barbarism, a traveler who was seeking knowledge left the place with a broken heart.  But then he could not be satisfied with a single place and longed to see the world around him.  Friends..!  Today we are talking about this famous personality whose quatrains and anecdotes are read and recited all over the world and his books are undoubtedly masterpieces.  The name of this person was Grami Sharafuddin, the title is Muslehuddin and the surname is Saadi.  And in general the world knows him by the name of Sheikh Saadi Rah.  He was born in the Iranian city of Shiraz in the year 1184 in the house of Abdullah Shirazi.  Your father Abdullah Shirazi used to work for Saad Zangi, the ruler of the country. Sheikh Saadi was fond of literature and poetry since his childhood.  Since then, he had suggested the nickname "Saad...

A story of an elder man and a student

 It is said that there was a famous elder who was once approached by a student who was studying theology.   After reading for some time, when he started to return to his homeland, the elders began to say to him: Mian, tell me one thing.  He said, "Find out."  I'm ready to tell.  They said, "Well, tell me, do you have a devil?"  He said, "Where is the devil?"  The devil is everywhere.  They said:  What will you do when you seek to befriend God and Satan seduces you?  He said, "I will fight the devil."  They said: Suppose you fought the devil and he ran away, but then you struggled to get closer to Allah and then the devil stopped you, what will you do?  He said, "I will fight again."  But what if the third time he attacked you again and he did not allow you to draw near to Allah?  He was a little surprised but said: I have no choice but to fight it again.  They said: If you continue to fight the devil all you...

A palm tree and the owner of such a great paradise

 (A palm tree and the owner of such a great paradise ")  The Government of Two Scholars Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was visiting among his Companions when an orphaned young man came to the service for a complaint.   He said, "O Messenger of Allah!"  I was building a wall around my palm garden when a neighbor's palm tree fell into the middle of the wall.   I asked my neighbor to leave his palm tree for me so that I could straighten my wall. He refused, so I offered to buy that palm tree. My neighbor gave me a palm tree.  Has also refused to sell the tree.  Al-Quran  "Translation"  (And indeed We have explained to mankind in this Qur'an all kinds of parables, and man is more disputing than anything else.)  Sarkar Do Aalam sent for the young man's neighbor.  When the neighbor came, he told him the complaint of the young man, who admitted that this was indeed the case.  He said to him, "Leave your palm tree for this young man, or sell t...

Omar Mukhtar: The desert slave who was a free lion

 From the Nickel Desert that overthrew the Roman Empire  I have heard from these saints that the lion will be careful again  (Iqbal)  Omar Mukhtar: The desert slave who was a free lion  His name is a shining metaphor for the history of freedom and liberty. He was born in 1862 in the small Libyan village of Janzur.  The early life of a nervous school teacher revolved around the house, the mosque and the school.  His immense sincerity and iron nerves were enough to make him a legendary rebel. Omer Mukhtar  Therefore, in October 1911, when the Italian navy ships anchored off the coast of Libya, General Farafili of the Italian army ordered the Libyan citizens to evacuate the city of Tripoli immediately, as the citizens were told of their helplessness and the strength of the usurping Italian army.  The order was immediately complied with and the city was evacuated, but in spite of this, the drunken Italian army attacked Tripoli and tore the whole ...